

Experimental study on HB-H-7 resin for the adsorption of endotoxin in vitro
摘要 目的:体外实验探讨使用HB-H-7树脂血浆灌流吸附内毒素的有效性和安全性。方法:静态吸附实验:取内毒素阳性病人血浆10ml、树脂1ml(树脂与血浆按体积比1:10比例混合),置37℃恒温水浴震荡2h,震荡前后测定血浆内毒素、蛋白质和电解质浓度,计算吸附率;动态吸附实验:取内毒素阳性病人血浆50ml,将HB-H-7树脂5ml置入一自制灌流器中,以输液泵控制血浆流速为4ml/min进行血浆灌流,灌流时间为2h,灌流前及灌流30、60和120min取样测定血浆内毒素浓度,计算吸附率并与静态吸附实验比较。用紫外分光光度计扫描树脂浸液上清,测定溶出物。结果:HB-H-7树脂吸附后,血浆中的内毒素含量显著降低(P<0.05);血浆中的蛋白质变化较小(P<0.05)、电解质无显著变化(P>0.05),动态吸附率高于静态吸附率(P>0.05)。以紫外分光光度计检测树脂浸液的上清,结果显示基本不含有溶出物。结论:HB-H-7树脂对血浆中的内毒素有明显吸附效果,对电解质无明显影响,对蛋白质有一些影响,可以进一步进行血浆灌流治疗内毒素血症的体内研究。 Objective: To study the efficacy and safety of HB-H-7 resin for the adsorption of endotoxin by plasmaperfusion in vitro. Methods:Static adsorption experiment: HB-H-7 resin was added into endotoxin-positive patients plasma according to the volume ratio of 1:10.Then, they were putted into constant temperature water bath oscillator at 37 ℃,and had been vibrated for 2 hours. Before and after the experiment, plasma endotoxin, protein and electrolytes were detected, and the rate of 2 hour adsorption was calculated. The experiment was repeated 10 times. Dynamic adsorption experiment. 5 ml resin was putted into a selfmade perfusion unit. 50 ml endotoxin-positive patients plasma had been plasmaperfused for 2 hours in the flow rate of plasma 4 ml/min with the infusion pump.The plasma endotoxin were detected at 0, 30, 60 and 120 minutes' plasma hemoperfusion, and the adsorption rates were calculated. The results were compared with those from static adsorption experiment. The supernatent of resin extracts was screened by ultraviolet light sepetrophotometer. Results:The plasma endotoxin was significantly lower after HB-H-7 resin adsorption (P 〈0.05); Protien in plasma was lower (P 〈0.05);and plasma electrolytes were not significant changes (P〉0.05).Dynamic adsorption rate was higher than static's. No dissolved matters of resins were found. Conclusion:There is obvious endotoxin absorption efficiency in plasma with HB-H-7 resin. It has not obvious effects on electrolytes adsorption, but it has effects on protein adsorption. Further endotoxemia treatment experiments by plasmaperfusion in vivo should be carried out.
出处 《天津医科大学学报》 2009年第3期493-496,共4页 Journal of Tianjin Medical University
关键词 内毒素 内毒素血症 血浆灌流 HB—H-7树脂 吸附 Endotoxin Endotoxemia Plasmaperfusion HB-H-7 resin Adsorption
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