Objective: To analyze the developmental changes of the layered structures of fetal cerebral cortex using 3.0T and 7.0T post-mortem MRI. Methods: Heads of 46 fetal specimens of 14-37 weeks gestational age (GA) were scanned by 3.0T MRI. 11 specimens of 14-27 weeks GA were chosen and scanned by 7.0T MRI. The clearer images were chosen to analyze the developmental changes of the layered structures. Retmlts: On 3.0T or 7.0T post-mortem MRI, 4-6 weeks zones could be recognized at 14~16 weeks GA. During 18-23 weeks GA, the layered structures were typical, 7 zones including periventricular zone and external capsule fibers could be differentiated both on MRI and histological staining slices. During 24-28 weeks GA, layered structures became untypical. After 30 weeks GA, the layered structures disappeared and turned into mature-like tissue gradually. The developing layered structures were the most distinguishable at the parieto-occipital part of the brain and the peripheral region of hippocampus both on MRI and histological staining slices. The migrating thalamocortical afferents appeared as a high signal layer located at the lower, middle, and upper part of the subplate zone respectively on TI images of 3.0T MRI. Conclusions" The development of layered structures of fetal cerebral cortex follows a specific spatio-temporal rule, and post-mortem MRI of parieto-occipital part of the brain obtained with higher Tesla is the best to show the developmental changes of layered structures of fetal cerebral cortex.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy