Objective To identify a potential correlation between cold hemoagglutinin (CHA) and diffuse panbron-chiolitis(DPB) in Chinese patients. Methods Eighteen patients diagnosed as DPB from December 1996 to July 2008 in Peking Union Medical College Hospital and 60 cases of DPB reported in mainland of China from 1996 to 2008 were enrolled in the study. Results Of 18 patients diagnosed as DPB in Peking Union Medical College Hos- pital, only one patient showed a titer of CHA≥1 : 64. Of 60 cases in China's Mainland, 48 cases were CHA positive. CHA was positive in 54.1% all cases. There may be some correlation between positive rate of CHA and medication as well as population. Conclusion Low positive rate of CHA in Chinese subjects, which is different from that of Japanese DPB patients, suggests that CHA may not be applied as a diagnostic criteria for Chinese patients.
Basic and Clinical Medicine