We demonstrate theoretically that Li atoms can be transferred to states of a lower principal quantum number by exposing them to a frequency chirped microwave pulse. The population transfer of Li atoms from the n = 75 state to n = 70 with more than 90% efficiency is achieved by means of the sequential single-photon △n = -1 transitions. The calculation fully utilizes all of the available orbital angular momentum l states for a given n, and the interference pattern and population evolution dynamics of individual l states are analyzed in detail. Using the time-dependent multilevel approach, we describe the process reasonably well as a sequence of adiabatic rapid passages.
We demonstrate theoretically that Li atoms can be transferred to states of a lower principal quantum number by exposing them to a frequency chirped microwave pulse. The population transfer of Li atoms from the n = 75 state to n = 70 with more than 90% efficiency is achieved by means of the sequential single-photon △n = -1 transitions. The calculation fully utilizes all of the available orbital angular momentum l states for a given n, and the interference pattern and population evolution dynamics of individual l states are analyzed in detail. Using the time-dependent multilevel approach, we describe the process reasonably well as a sequence of adiabatic rapid passages.
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No 10774039.