
包皮环切术加药物治疗真菌性包皮龟头炎10例疗效分析 被引量:3

Circumcision and drug therapies for fungal infection of acrobystias and glans
摘要 目的探讨包皮环切术在治疗真菌性包皮龟头炎中的作用。方法选择我院10例均有不同程度的包皮过长合并真菌性包皮龟头炎患者。均给予敏感抗生素及局部抗真菌治疗,效果均不明显。10例患者均行包皮环切术。术后部分患者继续抗真菌治疗。结果10例患者术前均切取适量组织送病检。培养结果显示7例为念珠菌属感染,3例为新型隐球菌感染。10例患者治疗结束后每个月1次,连续3次直接镜检和培养均为阴性,定期复查未发现真菌病原体。与治疗前比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。3例出现恶心呕吐,其中1例伴腹痛腹泻,手术后3例均出现局部疼痛水肿,上述表现未经处理,均于治疗1周后逐渐消失。结论包皮环切术治疗真菌性包皮龟头炎是临床简单可行的辅助治疗方法。 Objective To observe the efficacy of circumcision and drug thearpy for fungal infection of acrobystias and glans. Methods Ten outpatients between 2007 and 2008 were enrolled, incliuding 6 cases of noninsulin-dependent diabetes, 1 of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, 2 of unknown aetiology, 1 of hydropigenous nephritis and deltacortisone. All of them had redundant prepuces with various degrees. One of them suffered from simple fungal acrobystia infection. All patients took sensitive antibiotics and topo-therapy such as anti-fungal was added. Ten patients all underwent circumcision and some continued anti-fungal therapy after operation. Results Seven cases were candida infection, 3 cases were cryptococcus neoformans infection. No regular review of fungal pathogens was positive. Three cases had nausea and vomiting, after operation 3 cases appeared pain localized edema, all the symptoms gradually disappeared after a week. Conclusion Circumcision is an optimistic therapy for fungal infection of acrobystias and glans.
作者 杜春
出处 《中国医药》 2009年第11期898-899,共2页 China Medicine
关键词 包皮环切术 包皮龟头炎 真菌感染 Circumcision Infection of acrobystias and glans Fungal infection
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