
江西省集体林权制度改革研究 被引量:3

On the Reform of Collective Forest Right System of Jiangxi Province
摘要 "三林"问题是我国一个重要的社会问题,集体林权制度改革成为当前我国关注一个热点问题。此次集体林权制度改革,紧紧抓住"明晰产权"这个核心,即通过采取家庭承包经营方式,将林地承包经营权和林木所有权落实到农户,从而林地真正变成农户的生产资料。本文以制度经济学理论、林权制度理论为基础,分析江西省集体林权制度改革实施过程和成效,以江西省武宁县集体林权制改革为例进行案例分析,总结江西省集体林权制改革的经验,探索林权制度改革目前存在的问题,提出进一步完善集体林权制改革的配套改革政策建议。 The "Three-forest" question is an important social problem. The reform of collective forest right system becomes a hot issue. The core of the reform of collective forest right system is the clarity of property rights. Through the adoption of household contract management, the farmers have the rights of contracl management of forest land and forest ownership. This paper analyzes the implementation and effectiveness of the reform of collective forest right system of Jiangxi province, based on economic theories and theory of forest right system, with Wuning county as an example. Sums up the experience of the reform of collective forest right system and explore problem of the reform of collective forest right system, and then give some suggestions to improve the reform of collective forest right system.
出处 《中南林业科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第5期16-21,共6页 Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology(Social Sciences)
基金 2008-2009年度全国党校系统重点课题"江西省集体林权制度改革研究"
关键词 集体林权制度改革 武宁县 公益林补偿制度 reform of collective forest right system Wuning county forest compensation system
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