Aim:follow-up investigated the influence of geneogenous recessive hiatus lumbosacralis to choose and train youth athletes.Method:follow-up investigated 331 athletes with geneogenous recessive hiatus lumbosacralis by X-ray and physical examinction which were recommended to sports school and sports teams from February,2000 to March,2006.As the amount of excerise is gaining,there are many different kinds of ache and secret anguish at lumbosacral portion,some symptoms are like radial from lumbosacral portion to the backside of thigh.The appearence of 8 prolapse of lumbar intervertebal disc and 4 spondylolysis of arch is serously influenced daily training and the improvement of sports achievement.Result:geneogenous recessive hiatus lumbosacralis is caused by insufficient fetation,doing sports activities will get pain in waist and lower extremities.At the same time,such pain causes congenital malformation neural scute to have secondary cases pathological change,weaken the stability of lumbar joint and easy to have prolapse of lunbar intervertebal disc and fracture of vertebial lamina.So,it should be strict control to train youth athletes as high level competitive sports reserve with geneogenous recessive hiatus lumbosacra is.
Zhejiang Sport Science
geneogenous recessive hiatus lumbosacralis
youth athletes
scientific select material