山西省作为农业欠发达地区,其未来农业如何发展,如何在山西特定自然生态条件下实现农业转型,实现农业现代化,是当前急需明确和解决的重大战略问题。建设现代农业的核心是在可持续发展的基础上,保证粮食安全和增加农民收入。分析了山西农业现状,借鉴国内外现代农业发展的先进经验,提出了今后山西农业发展的方向:至2020年,在耕地保有量400万hm2,基本农田保护面积333.5万hm2的基础上,调整作物种植结构,重点发展适宜半干旱地区的高产作物玉米和马铃薯,使粮食总产量达到140亿~150亿kg,人均粮食占有量达到390~410 kg的安全目标;大力发展畜牧业,畜牧业产值占到农业总产值的50%以上,实现畜牧强省的战略目标。
As agriculture is under-developed in Shanxi Province, how to develop in the future, and how to achieve agricultural restructuring under the specific natural ecological conditions and agricultural modernization, is the major strategic issues urgently needed to be identified at present. The core of modern agriculture is on the basis of sustainable development to ensure food security and increase farmers' income. This paper analysied agricultural status in Shanxi Province, drawing on the advanced experience of agriculture development about foreign and domestic, bring forth direction of agricultural development in Shanxi Province in the future: up to 2020, on the basis of the available cultivated land area 4 million hectares and farmland 3.335 million hectares, adjustment in crop cultivation structure with focus of high yielding crop maize and potato suited to the semi-arid areas, for a security goal of the grain output 14 to 15 billion kg and per capita grain own 390 to 410 kg; animal husbandry output value accounted for more than 50% of the total agricultural output value, vigorously develop animal husbandry, to achieve the strategic objectives of strong animal husbandry in Shanxi province.
Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences
Modem agriculture
Adjusting of agricultural structure
Food security
Modem animal husbandry