
吗啡对雌激素诱导的人正常乳腺细胞促增殖作用的影响 被引量:1

Effect of morphine on proliferation of in vitro cultured human breast gland cells induced by estrogen
摘要 目的研究吗啡对雌激素诱导的体外培养的人正常乳腺细胞的促增殖作用的影响。方法培养人正常乳腺纤维细胞株,将培养好的细胞给予17-β雌二醇(E2)、吗啡及纳洛酮(特异性阿片受体拮抗剂)干预,分为4组:对照组(A组),E2组(B组),E2+吗啡组(C组),17-β雌二醇+吗啡+纳洛酮组(D组)。观察细胞的生长增殖情况并绘制生长曲线。结果第一代传代的乳腺细胞各组接种密度比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。接种用药第2、4、6、8天进行细胞计数,细胞数较对照组增加,C组细胞数较B组降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。D组与B组比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论吗啡可直接影响雌激素对乳腺的促增殖作用。 Objective To investigate whether morphine could affect the proliferation of in vitro cultured human breast cell induced by estrogen. Methods Human breast cells were cultured in vitro and then randomly assigned to received treatment with estradiol (E2 group), or estradiol plus morphine (E+MOr group), or estradiol plus morphine plus naloxone (E+MOr+N). A group without any treatment was set as controls. The growth of breast cells were studied and recorded in growth curves. The mixed module (SAS 9.0) was used to analyze the growth curves with α set at 0.05. Results The first passage of breast cells showed comparable density across all groups (P〉0.05). On days 2, 4, 6 and 8 after treatment, the cell counts appeared higher in 3 treated groups than in the control group. There was a statistical difference as to higher cell counts in E+MOr group than in E2 group (P〈0.01) but not between E+MOr+N group and E2 group (P〉0.05). Conclusion Morphine was demonstrated to directly inhibit the proliferation of breast cells induced by estrogen.
作者 李艳 郭述真
出处 《中国药物与临床》 CAS 2009年第10期926-927,共2页 Chinese Remedies & Clinics
基金 山西省科技攻关项目(002047)
关键词 吗啡 受体 雌激素 乳腺 人细胞 Morphine Receptors, estradiol Mammary glands Human
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