

Semi-blind Channel Estimation Algorithm for Space-time Coding OFDM Systems
摘要 针对空时编码的OFDM系统,利用发送信息符号的星座点数目有限特性构建了一个包含信道参数所有可能的集合,并将该集合映射到实平面上,信道估计则通过更新信道参数实平面和其中的信道参数曲线来实现。导频的使用简化了算法运算,实现了在信道参数实平面上初始信道参数曲线的建立。仿真分析表明,在空时编码OFDM系统中该方法性能接近理想的基于最小均方误差的估计,但计算更为简单。 In space- time block coding(STBC) OFDM systems, channel state information (CSI) set is built in frequency domain by exploiting the finite- alphabet property of the symbols, which includes all possible value of the CSI and can be mapped on a real plane. The channel estimation is realized by updating the CSI plane and the CSI curve. Pilot is used to set the initialization CSI curve and simplifies the algorithm. Computer simulation demonstrates that the performance of the pro- posed algorithm is close to that of ideal minimum mean- square- error (MMSE) with lower computation burden.
作者 张剑
出处 《电讯技术》 北大核心 2009年第9期41-44,共4页 Telecommunication Engineering
关键词 正交频分复用 多入多出 空时编码 半盲信道估计 OFDM MIMO space-time block coding(STBC) semi-blind channel estimation
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