
编码Glu-A3位点低分子量麦谷蛋白亚基的基因在山东小麦中的分布 被引量:1

Allelic Distribution of Genes Encoding Low-molecular-weight Glutenin Subunits at Glu-A3 Locus in Shandong Wheat
摘要 低分子量麦谷蛋白亚基(LMW-GS)赋予面团延展性,对小麦加工品质有重要影响。本试验以545份山东小麦为材料,采用特异引物PCR技术对其Glu-A3位点低分子量麦谷蛋白的7个亚基基因进行了鉴定和分析。结果表明:地方品种中,g亚基的含量最丰富,达到52.3%,历史品种中,c、d亚基的含量较丰富,分别为47.0%和25.2%,与地方品种相比,历史品种中a、c、d亚基所占比例的提升幅度较大,而g亚基的比例则大幅减低。 Low - molecular - weight glutenin subunit ( LMW - GS) has great influence on dough extensi- bility. It plays an important role in the end - use products qualifies of wheat. In the present study, totally 545 cultivars including 430 landraces and 115 cultivars approved in different historical periods of Shandong Province were characterized using specific primer PCR to identify the allelie varation of the seven genes encoding low- molecular- weight glutenin subunits at Glu- A3 locus. The results showed that g subunit was the most abundant one in landraees, which accounting for 52.3% ;c and d subunit were the most abundant in the his- torieal cultivars with the percentage of 47.0% and 25.2% respectively. Compared with the landraces, the frequeney of the subunits a, c and d in approved cultivars of Shandong Province increased sharply, while the subunit g decreased with a large scale.
出处 《山东农业科学》 2009年第9期1-4,共4页 Shandong Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家自然基金(30871516) 山东省农业科学院创新基金(2006YCX002 2007YCX015)
关键词 山东小麦 Glu-A3 低分子量麦谷蛋白 分子标记 Shandong wheat Glu - A3 LMW - GS Molecular marker
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