As to the survival rate of seedlings of the new and old poplar clones in field cutting, there is a very significant difference between the 5 new Xianglin clones ( Xianglin-90, etc. ) and the control, the Zhonghan-17, which showed with the lowest survival rate. There were no significant differences in seedling cuttings among the 5 new Xianglin clones of poplar, and whieh were suitable for field application. Seedling survival rate was decreased with increasing of positions of cuttings taken over, while, there were no significant differences among cutting from second, third, fourth district. Which showed that poplar seedlings with buds on the top of the stem could be used for seedlings. Without drought-resistance measures in the summer case, the survival rate in end of year was lower than the average survival rate in the spring. The preservation rate, seedling survival rate were positively correlated with number of the breaking out at cortex, implied that the more primordla at the beginning and the number of breaking out at cortex in water culture and parts section, the higher survival rate and breeding preservation rate in the clones. The survival rate, preservation rate had no related with the hair root length in water culture. The seedling height growth had no relations with the number of breaking out at cortex in water culture, or the number of adventitious roots, or length. The results showed that the most important and most reliable procedure for identifieating propagation ability of new clones of poplar cutting is to test by field practice.
Hunan Forestry Science & Technology
new Xianglin clones of poplar
preservation rate
parts section