
浮士德精神与西方科技文化——纪念爱好科学的杰出诗人和思想家歌德诞辰260周年 被引量:2

The Spirit of Faust and the Western Culture of Science and Technology
摘要 长期以来国内科技哲学界与人文文化界对于歌德笔下的"浮士德精神"存在着两种对立的理解,反映出"两种文化"分离、冲突的状况。本文将歌德诗剧《浮士德》置于西方近代科学与文化演进的历史背景下,作为"一部时代精神发展史"加以解读,揭示了浮士德精神积极的人文意义、所体现的西方科学变革精神和科技文化特质,并分析了浮士德精神被误读的文化原因。 The two opposite understandings of the 'Spirit of Faust' as described by Goethe have been existing in Chinese circles of philosophy of science and technology versus circles of humanism over a long period of time that reflects the separation and conflict of the 'two Cultures'.This paper tries to understand and explain Goethe's poetic drama 'Faust' as 'a developmental history of the spirit of the times' under the historical background of the evolution of the Western science and culture,brings to light the positive humanist meanings in the 'Spirit of Faust',the reforming spirit of the Western science and the cultural characters of the Western science and Technology that were embodied in the 'Spirit of Faust'.This paper finally analyses the cultural causes of misunderstanding of the 'Spirit of Faust'.
作者 吴晓江
出处 《自然辩证法通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第5期1-8,共8页 Journal of Dialectics of Nature
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