
不同民族的教育收益:藏、回、汉族的比较 被引量:6

Returns to Education of Different Nationalities: A Comparison of the Han,Tibetan and Hui Nationalities
摘要 本文使用明瑟方程估计了不同民族的教育收益,尤其比较了汉、藏、回三个民族的教育收益。结果发现:少数民族的教育收益率高于汉族,其中藏、汉族大体相当;回族远高于汉族。教育收益率在不同性别之间差异明显,在汉、藏族内部男性高于女性,而在回族内部则相反。增加对这一结果的社会认知,可以较好地提高少数民族家庭投资教育的热情,促进更多的少数民族儿童入学。 This paper makes an estimate of education returns of different nationalities by using Mincer equation and a comparison of education returns of the Han,Tibetan and Hui nationalities.The results show that the return rate of education of ethnic minorities is higher than that of the Han.Among them,the rate of the Tibetan is similar to that of the Han,while the rate of the Hui is much higher than that of the Han.The return rate of education is distinctly different between different genders.In the Han and Tibetan nationalities, the rate for male is higher than that for female, while within the Hui, it is the opposite. Making the results known to the public can arouse the enthusiasm of ethnic minority families to increase education investment and help more ethnic minority children enter school.
作者 孙百才
出处 《民族教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第5期40-43,共4页 Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities
基金 教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目"西北少数民族家庭教育投资决策与儿童入学"(项目编号:07JC880004) 西北师范大学知识与科技创新工程"跨文化背景下的教育收益 家庭教育投资决策与儿童入学"的成果之一
关键词 少数民族 教育收益 明瑟收入函数 ethnic minorities education returns Mincer return-rate
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