在建立港口起重机轮轨接触的三维实体模型的基础上,通过商业软件ANSYS建立了车轮材料不做硬化、硬化10 mm、硬化25 mm、全部硬化4种有限元模型;计算了这4种模型点接触和线接触2种轮轨接触模型的接触应力和接触面积,并与相应的赫兹理论值对比。通过对不同车轮硬化处理方式的接触应力和接触面积的比较,分析硬化处理对车轮接触的影响。
Based on 3D solid model for wheel rail contact of port crane, the paper describes how the four finite element models for wheel material hardening treatments, including whole hardening, no hardening and 10 mm and 25 mm part hardening, by means of the software ANSYS. It also calculates the contact stress and contact area of the point contact and line contact of the four models and the two wheel rail eontact models, and compares them with Hertz theory. Through comparison of the contact stress and contact areas of different hardening treatment, it analyzes the effect of hardening treatment on wheel contact.
Hoisting and Conveying Machinery