
实际汇率变动对居民就业的影响——基于贸易开放下动态劳动市场均衡分析框架 被引量:1

The Impact of Real Exchange Rate on Employment: Based on the Dynamic Labor Market Equilibrium Model
摘要 贸易开放条件下实际汇率的变动将通过出口价格、出口份额、进口成本等渠道对居民就业产生显著影响。如果考虑到贸易开放程度等因素,实际汇率对居民就业的影响将进一步扩大。以我国贸易开放程度较高的制造业为例,人民币汇率升值将导致制造业就业量下降,贬值则促进居民就业,而制造业出口份额、进口要素投入及国内投资水平的提高在某种程度上则将抵消因实际汇率波动对就业产生的不利影响。 The changes in real exchange rate have a significant impact on the employment through export prices, export share and the cost of imports. Considering trade liberalization, the real exchange rate would strengthen the trend. This paper examines the impact of real exchange rate on China's manufacturing sector,and finds that RMB's appreciation would lead to a decline in manufacturing employment,while the increase of export share and investment would partially offset this effect.
作者 许先普
出处 《石家庄学院学报》 2009年第5期18-25,共8页 Journal of Shijiazhuang University
基金 2009年湖南理工学院科研项目(2009Y57)
关键词 贸易开放 实际汇率 就业 trade liberalization real exchange rate employment
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