针对每个终端仅配置一套无线信号收发装置、信道传输速率较低(1-10kbit/s)、可划分成多个不相重叠的子信道的情况下组建Ad Hoc网络的需求,提出了一种基于多信道改进的MACA-BI协议——RIMA-MC(Receiver Initiated Multiple Access basedon multiple Channels)。在充分借鉴本领域内现有研究成果的基础上,该协议试图通过减少控制开销、增加信道的空间复用度等方法提高低速Ad Hoc网络的吞吐量。最后,利用计算机仿真证明了这一协议在一定条件下对提高网络的吞吐量确实有所帮助。
A new medium access control(MAC) protocol for Ad Hoc networks is introduced named RIMA-MC(Receiver Initiated Multiple Access based on Multiple Channels).This protocol,extending the usage mode of MACA-BI to multi-channel condition,is designed for Ad Hoc networks worked in condition that the channel has a low(1~10kbit/s) capacity,whereas it can be divided into multiple sub-channels,and every terminal is equipped with only one transmitter.Theoretically,RIMA-MC intends to increase the throughput by means of reducing the control overhead and increasing the spatial reuse of the channel. At last a simulation is used to show that RIMA-MC archives high throughput in high loads.
Instrumentation Technology