
配流盘结构对纯水液压泵配流特性影响的研究 被引量:2

Research on the Effects of Port Plate Structure on the Water Hammering of Pure Water Axial Piston Hydraulic Pump
摘要 将纯水液压柱塞泵配流盘的主要结构参数对配流过程压力冲击的影响进行了仿真研究,这些结构参数包括阻尼减振槽的结构形状、柱塞腔的闭死容积、配流盘安装错配角、过渡区遮盖角,通过分析提出了有利于降低配流过程中压力冲击和噪声的配流盘设计方法。 Numerical simulations were conducted on the effects of some main structural factors of port plate on the water hammering including the orifice groove shape, the enclosed volume in eylingder bore, the deflected install angle of port plate and the over lap angle. Based on the analysis of simulation results, deign methods to subdue the pressure pulse and noise during flow distribution process were put forward.
出处 《机床与液压》 北大核心 2009年第10期77-79,共3页 Machine Tool & Hydraulics
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目(2006BAF01B03-02) 863高技术研究计划项目(2008AA09Z202)
关键词 纯水柱塞式液压泵 配流盘配流 压力冲击 Pure water piston hydraulic pump Port plate Water hammering
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