某石化公司140万m3原油商业储备库项目14台10万m3浮顶罐全部采用倒装法进行罐壁组对,在施工中因受到沙尘暴的影响,其中一台浮顶罐罐体严重移位,罐体西南侧约1/4离开基础,脱离基础最远处为1.863 m,该罐直径为81m,罐体移位时的高度为9.6m,总质量370 t,文章以该储罐复位为例,介绍大型储罐采用多机抬吊法整体复位的施工工艺特点及施工过程中应注意的问题。
In a 140×104 m3 commercial crude oil depot project, the tank wall assembly construction of 14 sets of 10×104 m3 floating roof tanks applied entirely the inverted assembly method. Because the influence of sand storm during the construction, severe displacement of a tank took place, that the southwest portion of the tank departed from its original foundation with the maximum displacement of 1.863 m. The tank diameter was 81 m, its height was 9.6 m and its whole mass was 370 t. The tank was positioned using the lifting method with multi cranes. The construction process features of the integral tank reposition by the method are described in this paper, and the matters for attention in the construction are indicated as well.
Petroleum Engineering Construction
floating roof tank
lifting with multi cranes
integral reposition