
基于DDF-MZI的高阶孤子脉冲压缩 被引量:1

DDF-MZI-based higher-order soliton pulse compression
摘要 利用数值计算的方法证明,采用色散渐减光纤(DDF)构成的马赫-曾德干涉仪(MZI)不仅可以压缩高阶光孤子,而且能有效地消除压缩脉冲后的脉座。研究表明:通过灵活地调整MZI的双臂可以获得高质量脉冲;同时得出了使干涉仪具有良好压缩特性的耦合器的功分比范围,这对实验中参数的选取有一定的指导意义;研究还发现,DDF即使选用较大的首末色散比系数,仍然能得到高质量的脉冲。 Numerical simulation indicates that a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (MZI) constructed from the Dispersion-Decreasing Fiber (DDF) can not only compress higher-order soliton, but also effectively suppress the pedestal after pulse compression. Studies indicate that high-quality pulses can be obtained by flexible adjustment of the two arms of the interferometer and the power split ratio range of the coupler that enable the interferometer to have good compression property is obtained, which has a certain guiding significance to the choice of the parameters in experiments. It is also found in the studies that high quality pulses can still be generated even when fairly large input to output dispersion ratio is chosen.
出处 《光通信研究》 北大核心 2009年第5期37-39,共3页 Study on Optical Communications
基金 广东省自然科学基金资助项目(06029820)
关键词 色散渐减光纤 马赫-曾德干涉仪 光脉冲 DDF MZI optical pulse
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