Seventy-nine patients who accepted extracorporeal lithotripsy after gallbladder contrasting examination were investigated in order to explore the relationship between extracorporeal lithotripsy and the contracting function of gallbladder, and the effect of extracorporeal lithotripsy on the gallbladder. They were divided into such 3 groups as group Ⅰ (<1/3, 29 ), group Ⅱ (> 1 /2, 39 )and group Ⅲ (>2/3, 11 ) according to the function level of their gallbladders. The results showed that the function level of gallbladders increased by 63. 3% after recovery. The average time for the calculus disappearing of group Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ was (146. 3±133. 5)d, (80. 8±78. 6)d and (51. 8±50.3)d, respecfively. There was significant difference between group Ⅰ and group Ⅲ (P <0. 05 ). It was indicated that the elimination of calculi in patients with good gallbladder functions were easier and these patients'period of treatment were also shorter. The patients without ideal gallbladder functions had good effect of treatment,too.
calculi of gallbladder
ertracorporeal lithotripsy
contracting function of gallblodder