
硒对大鼠为期53天低量γ-线照射的防护作用(论著) 被引量:1

Protective effect of Se on rats exposed to low dose γ irradiation for 53 days
摘要 目的:为了解小剂量电离辐射条件下,机体硒的需要量是否有变化,以及补给硒是否有防护电离损伤的效果。方法:用SD雄性大鼠,喂饲AIN76饲料。予60Co照射,剂量率为4.86×10-2Gy/h,每日照射2小时,每周照射5天,累积剂量为3.69Gy。结果:照射组动物体重增长低于不照射组(P<0.05),全血硒含量亦较不照射动物明显减少。每日每鼠补给硒23μg(体重≤300g)或45.6μg(体重>300g)的照射动物体重增长与不照射动物无显著性差异(P>0.05)。补给硒的后期照射与未照射动物之间全血硒的含量未见明显差异。照射后补硒动物的精子畸形率明显低于未补硒的照射动物,并与血硒含量呈明显负相关。结论:在本实验小剂量γ-线照射期间,补给硒对电离辐射损伤有防护作用。 Aim:To study the protective effect of Se on γ irradiation damage.Methods:Male SD rats(weighing 94 to 123 g)were randomly divided into 4 groups with each 10 rats:1. Irradiation with Se supplementation(R+Se),2. Irradiation(R),3.Nonirradiation with Se supplementation(NR+Se),4. Nonirradiation(NR).Low dose γ irradiation was given using a 60 Co radiant at a dose rate of 4.86×10 -2 Gy/h and with a total dose of 3.69 Gy(2 h/d,5 d/w for 38 days).Se supplementation for the rat was either 23 μg(body weight≤300 g)or 45.6 μg(body weight>300g ).Results:The body weight gain and serum Se content were lower in R group than in NR group;whereas there were no significant differences in weight gain and serum Se content at the 18th day of experiment among groups R+Se,NR+Se and NR.In the γ irradiation groups,those rats supplemented with Se(R+Se group)showed significantly lower sperm aberration rate than did the rats without Se supplemntation(R group).Conclusion:The results suggest that Se could play important role in protecting low dose irradiation damage.
机构地区 海军医学研究所
出处 《中华航海医学杂志》 CSCD 1998年第4期228-231,共4页
基金 解放军总后勤部"八五"规划重点研究项目
关键词 γ-线照射 小剂量 防护作用 γ irradiation,low dose Selenium
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