

Seeking for the Immortals:Chinese Ancient Scholars Pursue of Surmounting Oneself
摘要 求仙是中国士人超越追求的重要表现形式,庄子、嵇康、李白则是这种超越追求的三个里程碑。庄子与嵇康的超越追求建立在对现实的批判基础上,李白之求仙则因大唐盛世的历史理性而表现为对现实的同向超越,并因对先秦魏晋以来士人人格觉醒的历史成果的继承而具有了更丰富的文化内涵。 In ancient China, scholars have always spent their themselves and the most important way is to seek for the immortals. whole life in pursuing the way of surmounting Chuang Tzu, Ji Kang and Li Bai are the representatives among these scholars. Chuan Tzu and Ji Kang based their surmounting on their criticizing on the realities, while Li bai~ seeking the immortals has the same direction with the reality for the historical rational of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, and has richer cultural contents for the inheritance to the historical result of the scholars personality awakening from pre -Qin Dynasty and Wei -Jin Dynasty.
作者 吴增辉
机构地区 复旦大学中文系
出处 《绵阳师范学院学报》 2009年第7期6-11,37,共7页 Journal of Mianyang Teachers' College
关键词 求仙 超越 庄子 嵇康 李白 Seeking the immortals surmounting Chuang Tzu Ji Kang Li Bai
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  • 1张海明.魏晋玄学与游仙诗[J].文学评论,1995(6):125-133. 被引量:9
  • 2(汉)司马迁撰(唐)张守节正义史记[M].
  • 3(清)何文焕.历代诗话[M]中华书局,2004.
  • 4(魏)嵇 康著,殷 翔,郭全芝.嵇康集注[M]黄山书社,1986.
  • 5(晋)葛洪 著王明 校释抱朴子内篇校释[M].


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