1995年6月到1996年12月,我们对250例麻风畸残者进行了眼手足自我护理训练,并对其自我护理的效果进行了定期评估;其中男184例,女66例;PB 184例,MB 67例;年龄15~79岁,平均47.40岁;畸残Ⅰ级10例,Ⅱ级240例,畸残见于眼71例,手178例,足176例。按 Watson 介绍的自我护理方法。
From June 1995 to December 1996,250 persons cured of leprosy,including male 184 and female 66,with a mean age of 47.4 year- s,of which 240 had grade Ⅱ(WHO)disability, have been taught to do self-care for their eye, hand and foot and evaluated regularly.After 18 months,the pink eyes deereasscl from 50 to 35, chaps in hands and feet from 26 to 8 and plantar ul- cers from 77 to 65.The authors pointed out that if the self-care is upheld for a long time,rehabilita- tion to some extent will be promoted indeed.