麻风病人如果失明,残疾及心理压力将更重,也给社会及家庭造成负担。我们调查1897例麻风病人的眼病,显示其大多数的失明本是可以避免的。在这1897例(治愈者1801例、现症96例)中,男1486例、女441例;MB 1027例,PB 870例;
Among 1897 persons with age of 38 to 71 years,who have and had leprosy in 96 and 1801 respectively and treated with DDS monothera- py in 1287 and with MDT in 610,including male 1486 and female 441,a survey of oculopathy showed that there were madarosis in 1029 (73.3%),trichiasis 689(49.1%),ectropion in 575(40.9%),lagophthalmos in 340(24.2%), blocking of lacrimal duct in 258(18.3%),con- junctivitis in 502(35.7%),corneal hypoesthesia in 432 (30.7%),corneal ulcer in 277(19.7%), keratitis in 281(20%),leucoma in 41(2.9%), scleritis in 116(8.2%),iridocyclitis in 483 (34.4%),cataracta in 48(3.4%),and low vision in 430 eyes of 379 persons(20%)and blindness in 180 persons(9.4%)with unilateral side in 93 and bilateral ones in 87.The oculopathy occurred most (63.2%)five to fifteen years after the onset of leprosy.The oculopathy was 5.2% in 117 persons who can do self-care and 35.8% in 446 persons were iridoeyclitis and keratopathy. who can not do so.The causes of blindness mainly