目的:找出芳香胺对发光菌毒性作用的定量结构与毒性相关的QSAR表达式,为预测该类化合物的毒性数据提供一种可行的方法:方法:用量子化学MOPAC-AM1法计算化合物的结合参数,结合分子积参数VX对毒性数据进行QSAR分析得出回归方程,即QSAR表达式。结果 QSAR方程为-logEC50=0.467+0.352VX-0.06310644+0.00167ΔHf n=12 r=94.02% S=0.
Objective To find out an equation for estimating the toxicities values of Anlire compounds. Methods: By using Quantum Chemistry AM1 method, the quantum chemical partition were calculatal with molecular voume (VX). Throgh statistied analysis, QSAR equation was as foliows: - lgEC50 =0. 467 + 0.352Vx - 0.063u + 0.00617△Hf n = 12 r = 0 .940 P < 0.001 Conclusion: the equation can be used to estimate toxicities of Benzene Auline compounds.