
城市GML文档三维特征的快速获取与可视化 被引量:2

Rapid acquirement and visualization of 3D feature based on city GML documents
摘要 随着网络技术的发展,对城市三维数据的需求愈益增加,然而众多的城市三维数据缺乏统一的模型,使数据不能有效地进行共享与交互。开放式地理信息系统协会(Open GIS Consortium,OGC)提出了地理标记语言(Geography Markup Language,GML),城市GML规范定义了城市空间信息模型的标准,有利于三维数据在网络上进行传输、共享。通过分析城市GML文件的结构,提出一种适合一般城市GML文件的数据结构集合,使得在采用DOM接口解析文件后,能够快速获取城市GML文件的3D信息。实验部分使用Java3D编程显示快速获取的3D信息,证明了提出的数据结构集合的有效性。 With the development of the Internet,the need of city 3D data is rising more and more,and the emphasis shifts from analysis to the sharing of city 3D data and information over the Internet.In Internet,tbe lacked uniform 3D data standard and 3D data cannot be shared and exchanged availably.The city Geography Mark-Up Language(GML) is developed as the standard language for exchanging and sharing city 3D data in Internet.This paper proposes a set of data structures to obtain city 3D i nformation rapidly from the GML file,after parsing by the Document Object Model( DOM ).The experiment shows that 3D data are extracted effectively,and visualized in Web application using Java,and the data structures defined in the paper are very validated.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第26期226-229,共4页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 云南省教育厅科研基金No.07Y10146~~
关键词 城市地理标记语言GML 开放式地理信息系统协会 3D特征 可视化 city Geography Markup Language(GML) Document Object Model(DOM) 3D feature visualization
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