
对克鲁格曼独得2008年诺贝尔经济学奖的探析 被引量:1

Why Krugman Became the Sole Winner of 2008 Nobel Prize in Economics
摘要 克鲁格曼开创的新贸易理论和新经济地理理论是近三十年来国际贸易理论发展的主流。众多的经济学家与克鲁格曼一起投入到了这些理论的建设中。本文以一个比较独特的视角,即通过比较克鲁格曼与其他学者的工作,指出了不同学者的学说之间的联系,梳理了近三十年来国际贸易理论的发展脉络,认为克鲁格曼的规模经济贸易理论是近三十年来国际贸易理论发展中的核心理论,其影响是深远的。 New Trade Theory and New Economic Geography (NEG) pioneered by Krugman are the mainstream of modem trade theory. Many economists together with Krugman have made significant contribution to the development of trade theory. By comparing the contribution made by Krugman and that of other economists, this paper analyzes the connection between Krugman's contribution and the works of his forerunners and peers, and points out that Krugman's trade theory based on differentiated goods and monopolistic competition is the most important contribution to modem trade theory in the recent 30 years.
作者 崔凡
出处 《国际商务(对外经济贸易大学学报)》 2009年第5期90-94,共5页 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(07&ZD053)"互利共赢的开放战略研究" 国家重点学科对外经济贸易大学211工程项目的支持
关键词 克鲁格曼 新贸易理论 规模经济 新经济地理 Krugman New Trade Theory Scale economy New Economic Geography
  • 相关文献


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