

On Wildlife DNA Surveillance
摘要 随着分子生物学的快速发展,DNA技术不断渗透到野生动物保护和研究的各个领域。DNA监管为野生动物的保护执法、国内外贸易管理等方面提供了一个先进的管理技术平台。本文阐述了野生动物DNA监管的主要内容,以及国内外野生动物DNA监管的现状,并对我国野生动物DNA监管的发展提出了4点建议:构建国家统一的野生动物DNA物证鉴定平台、特殊物种实施DNA注册制度、构建野生动物病原微生物DNA鉴定平台以及建立科学技术保障体系。 DNA technology was applied to a variety of fields of wildlife conservation and management,and with the rapid development of molecular biology and DNA surveillance,an advanced technologic platform for execution of wildlife protection laws and trade management in the country and abroad was provided.In the paper,major fields and current status of wildlife surveillance were reviewed and suggestions on wildlife surveillance in our country were discussed:construction of state uniform DNA identification platform of wildlife material evidence,implementation of a system of wildlife DNA registers for special species,establishment of DNA identification platform for wildlife pathogens and a support system of science and technology in this field.
出处 《野生动物》 2009年第5期265-268,282,共5页
基金 国家林业局大熊猫鉴定监测项目资助
关键词 野生动物 DNA监管 保护 管理 Wildlife DNA surveillance conservation Management
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