
国外城市雨水利用的进展 被引量:53

Progress of rainwater utilization in foreign countries
摘要 雨水管理是缓解城市水资源危机、维护水生态系统健康的重要战略和措施。梳理了西方城市雨水管理的发展脉络,对当前西方国家的可持续城市雨水管理,从发展趋势、方案决策、技术手段和保障措施等方面进行了分析。研究发现,可持续、近自然和多功能已成为城市雨水管理的根本目标,在制定技术方案时强调预防优先、源头控制以及工程和非工程管理实践的结合,并通过法规、行政、经济措施保障实施。对我国城市雨水管理具有重要启示作用。 Urban rainwater management is an important strategy and approach, which solves water shortage and protects the health of water ecosystem. This article reviews the evolution of urban rainwater management in western countries, and then sums up the characteristics of sustainable urban rainwater management from the perspectives of trends, schemes, techniques to legal and economic issues. The results demonstrate that the essential objective for urban rainwater management is to establish a sustainable, natural and muhifunctional system, which focuses on prevention, source control and integration of structural and nonstructural best management practice in choosing techniques. Finally, it points out directions for future research and practice in China.
作者 王思思
出处 《城市问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第10期79-84,共6页 Urban Problems
基金 科技部攻关计划资助项目(2004BA516A18)
关键词 雨水管理 可持续 水敏感城市设计 可持续城市排水系统 最佳管理实践 西方 rainwater management sustainability water sensitive urban design sustainable urban drainage system best management practice west
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