
初产牛乳腺炎研究进展 被引量:3

Progress on Primiparous Heifer Mastitis
摘要 奶牛乳腺炎是由多种因素引起的严重影响奶牛业发展的重要疾病,初产牛临床和亚临床乳腺炎的流行和发病率,尤其在泌乳初期,均高于经产母牛。初产牛与经产牛的流行病学和危险因素不尽相同,为更加有效地控制初产牛乳腺炎,必须对初产牛乳腺炎进行深入系统的研究。论文重点论述了初产牛产前和产后临床、亚临床乳腺炎患病率和发病率,乳腺炎的致病因素,病原和诊断技术,介绍了国内外初产牛乳腺炎兽医防治、抗病育种等方面的研究成果。 Clinical and subclinical mastitis is a significant problem in primiparous heifers with a higher prevalence and incidence in heifers than that in multiparus cows, especially in early lactation. The epidemiology and risk factors for heifer mastitis appear to be different from that in multiparus cows. Hence, novel management strategies are required to reduce heifer mastitis incidence, prevalence. The further research is likely to improve understanding of heifer mastitis and lead to novel managerial approaches to mastitis control in this age group. The review focused on the description of prepartum and postpartum prevalence and incidence of clinical and subclinical mastitis in heifers and the discussion of possible risk factors and control strategies associated with heifer mastitis.
出处 《动物医学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第9期82-86,共5页 Progress In Veterinary Medicine
关键词 初产牛 乳腺炎 控制策略 primiparous heifer mastitis control strategies
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