利用RAPD分子标记对37个福建省花生青枯病菌菌株遗传多样性进行分析,从150条随机引物中筛选出9条具有多态性的引物,共扩增出85条带,其中84条为多态性条带,多态检测率为98.82%。UPGMA聚类分析显示:供试的37个菌株划分为7个遗传聚类组(RAPD Group),其中31个菌株集中在RG2和RG6两个聚类组中;菌株间遗传距离变化较大,变化范围从0.08到0.95。结果表明:供试的福建省不同地理来源的花生青枯病菌菌株之间具有明显的遗传差异。37个花生青枯病菌菌株间存在一定遗传相似性,原因可能是不同地域之间病原菌远距离传播的结果。
Genomic fingerprints of 37 isolates of the pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum collected form peanuts in different areas in Fujian were analyzed by using RAPD primers.Nine primers were selected from 150 randomly selected primers with abundant polymorphisms.Genomic DNA from different isolate was amplified with the selected primers.Eighty five marked bands were produced on the agarose electrophoretic gel,of which 84 bands were polymorphic.The frequency of genetic diversity was 98.82%.Based on the genetic distance,a dendrogram was constructed with UPGMA. Thirty seven tested isolates were separated into 7 RAPD groups. Thirty one of them were separated into RG2 and RG6, with genetic distances ranging from 0.08 to 0.95. It is concluded that there were apparent differences among the isolates from different locations. There existed genetic similarity within the 37 tested isolates, due possibly to spreading of the isolates among areas in Fujian.
Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences