

Theoretic Clearing of the Best Business Portfolio of Corporate
摘要 业务组合是企业最重要和最具挑战性的战略决策之一,也是学界和企业界长期激烈争论的战略问题。为了廓清相关的争论与理论误区,本文研究了现代市场条件下企业最优业务组合的决策模型、演进规律和演进方向。本文揭示出:第一,现代市场条件下企业最优的业务组合决定于三个基本因素——市场环境、企业能力和原有战略的组合,在三者各种状态的不同组合下,企业可以有不同的最优业务组合。抽象地和静态地谈专业化和多元化孰优孰劣和是否应该进行多元化的问题,属于伪命题;第二,在缺乏竞争的环境下,多元化与专业化是简单的加或减的关系,业务组合不会成为战略管理的对象。而在充满竞争的现代市场条件下,无论业务领域的增加或减少,对原来业务都可能产生相乘或相除两种效应,而不再是简单的加或减的关系,多元化与专业化就不应是对立而应是统一的关系;第三,在充满竞争的现代市场条件下,对于单个企业,专业化经营的长期趋势是多元化,同时,成功的多元化经营又必定是归核化、专业化和多元化的统一与共生。随着市场竞争的日益激烈,追求持续发展的任何企业的最优业务组合,其最终的演进方向必定是归核化、专业化和多元化的统一与共生,即专业化集成的多元化。 Business Portfolio is one of the most important and most challenging strategic decisions dur- ing the growing process of an enterprise and also one of the strategic problems that have been debated heatedly between academic circle and business circle. In order to clarify different opinions and debates about the best strategy of business portfolio, the decision-making model, the patterns of evolution and the direction of evolution of the best business portfolio in modern market system are studied in this paper. Basic conclusions of this survey are: Firstly, there are three basic determinants of a best business portfolio of a company under modern market-market circumstances, firm capability and former strategies and different combinations of these three factors under different context leads correspondingly to different best business portfolio. Therefore, the advantages and disadvantages of specialization vs. diversification and whether diversi-fication should be implemented or not can not be discussed abstractedly or statically, otherwise it would be a pseudo-proposition; Secondly, under the uncompetitive circumstances there is a simple minus-plus relationship between specialization and diversification, therefore business portfolio can not be an object of strategic management. While under the competitive circumstances, both increase and decrease of business could have a multiplied or divisible effect instead of the plus-minus relationship. Indeed, specialization and diversification should be unified instead of opposed; Thirdly, under the competitive circumstances, the long-term trend of specialized operation is diversified operation and the successful diversified operation must be the co-being of refocusing, specialization and diversification. With the increasing uncertainty of market environment, the final trend of best business portfolio of any enterprise which pursues sustainable development must be the cobeing of refocusing, specialization and diversification, that is specialization-integrated diversification.
作者 肖海林
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第10期126-133,共8页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 中央财经大学国家"211工程"重点建设大学第三期重点学科建设项目"跨国经营企业管理创新与可持续发展"
关键词 现代市场条件 最优业务组合 战略逻辑 理论廓清 circumstances of modem market best business portfolio strategic logic theoretic clearing
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