
拉伸与旋转面轮廓数据分段及约束重建技术研究 被引量:1

Segmentation and constraint reconstruction for profile data of extruded surface and rotational surface
摘要 在逆向工程中,针对测量数据点进行拉伸面和旋转面的参数提取并重建曲面是非常重要的。轮廓线是拉伸面和旋转面的重要参数,提出一种改进的轮廓数据排序及曲率估算方法。在此基础上,针对由直线和圆弧特征构成的轮廓数据提出依据弦转角和曲率差对轮廓数据分段。最后采取全局约束策略,通过对轮廓数据整体拟合来提取轮廓线。实验结果表明了该算法的有效性和实用性。 Parameters extraction for extruded surface and rotational surface from measure data, followed by surface reconstruction, is an important problem in reverse engineering. Profile is a very important parameter of extruded surface and rotational surface. Firstly, an improved algorithm is presented, which can sort the profile data and estimate the curvature of scattered points accurately. And then, an algorithm is presented to segment the profile, composed of line and arc, based on chord comer and curvature difference. Lastly, a constrained fitting method is used to get the profile curve of the extruded surface or rotational surface. The experiments result show that the algorithm is feasible and practical.
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第20期4788-4791,共4页 Computer Engineering and Design
基金 河南省教育厅自然科学基金项目(2007460015) 华北水利水电学院青年科研基金项目(HSQJ2009022)
关键词 逆向工程 轮廓 排序 曲率 特征点提取 约束重建 reverse engineering profile sort curvature feature pointextraction constraint reconstruction
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