2[3]Hershinow, J. Sheldon, Bernard Malamud[M]. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co.,1980.
3[1]Malamud, Bernard. The Assistant[M]. New York:Avon Books, 1980. 151-152.
4[2]Abramson, A. Edward. Bernard Malamud Revisited[M]. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1993.
5Sidney Richman. Bernard Malamud [M]. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1966. 145.
6Percy Lubbock. The Craft of Fiction[M]. London: Jonathan Cape, 1921. 251.
7Bernard Malamud. The Assistant[Z]. Eyre & Spottiswoode: Penguin Books, 1959.
8Iska Alter. The Good Man's Dilemma: The Natural, The Assistant, and American Materialism[A]. Salzberg. Critical Essays on Bernard Malamud[C]. Boston: G K Hall & Co , 1987. 90.
9Sheldon Norman Grebstein. Bernard Malamud and the Jewish Movement[A]. Contemporary American Jewish Literature[C]. Indiana University Press, 1937. 196. 198. 200-203.
10Geoffrey N Leech & Michael H Short. Style in Fiction[M]. New York: Longman Inc , 1981. 319-323.