以新疆栽培扁桃品种"石头"花药为材料,利用RT-PCR和RACE技术,获得了一个全长的SFB基因(Genbank登录号为:FJ415321),命名为AcSFBg。该基因全长1 134 bp,编码377个氨基酸,在N末端含有一个大约50个氨基酸组成的F-box基序,含有两个高变区(Hva和Hvb)和两个可变区(V1和V2)。组织特异性表达分析表明:AcSFBg基因仅在花药中表达,雌蕊、花瓣以及叶片等组织中没有表达。F-box基因系统发育树的构建,发现在桃属不同种之间的SFB基因出现了交叉的现象,但与矮牵牛和金鱼草SLF基因具有比较远的亲缘关系。同时利用生物信息学的方法成功预测了AcSFBg蛋白为亲水性、非分泌型蛋白,在基质内起连接酶和主要中间产物新陈代谢的重要作用。结果表明:获得的AcSFBg基因就是花粉S决定子,也将为花粉自交不亲和机制的研究提供重要的理论依据。
A total length SFB gene (Genbank accession number: FJ415321) named AcSFBg was cloned using RT-PCR and RACE technology from the anther of almond 'Dashitou' planted in Xinjiang. This gene encoded proteins with the F box motif in the N-amino terminus, and with four (hyper) variable regions, i e. , V1, V2, Hva and Hvb. Tissue-specific expression analysis showed that AcSFBg gene expressed only in pollen and there was no expression in other organism. The phylogenetic tree construction results showed that interspecies amino acid identities obtained by comparison with other Frunus SFBs were often higher than intraspeeies identities. With the bioinformatics analysis, the AcSFBg protein was instable, hydrophilieity and non-secretory protein and had ligase enzyme activity. The results suggested that AcSFBg gene was the pollen S-determinant of GSI in Chinese almond which would offer very iraportant reference for the mechanism of pollen self incompatibility.
Non-wood Forest Research