9Linda Laikre,Nils Ryman,Anna Palmé,popgen.su.seMelanie Josefsson is a principal technical officer at the Department of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.She holds a PhD in physical geography and works primarily with issues relating to effects of alien species on biological diversity.Her address:Department of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment,Swedish Environmental Protection Agency,P.O.Box 7050,S-750 07 Uppsala,Sweden.melanie.josefsson,Fred Utter,u.washington.eduThe authors Laikre,Palmé,Ryman,and Utter share a common interest in topics relating to the genetic structuring of natural populations,genetic conservation,and to the genetic effects of man's impact on natural populations..Release of Alien Populations in Sweden[J].AMBIO-人类环境杂志,2006,35(5):255-261.