
意识形态先行还是民生改善优先?——冷战后西方“民主援非”与中国“民生援非”政策之比较 被引量:11

Ideology First or Livelihood Improvement First?A Comparison between the "democracy aid to Africa" of the West and "livelihood aid to Africa" of China
摘要 20世纪90年代冷战结束以后,西方和中国对非洲的战略都有重大调整。西方把推行西式的民主与价值观作为其对非洲战略的首要目标,把经济援助作为其在非洲推进西式民主的工具。中国则把扩大对非洲经贸合作、实现经济上的互利双赢作为对非战略调整的重点,通过改革援非的方式,形成了援助与经贸相结合的援非新政策。总体上看,以西方意识形态优先的援助方式脱离了非洲当下的民生急需,成效不甚理想。中国经济优先的援非政策却因较为理性务实,给中非双方都带来了实利,从而获得了持续推进的动力。目前,西方对非援助又进入了一个新调整期,意识形态优先的做法有所变化;中国对非洲的援助也需要适时调整,努力完善对非援助战略。 After the Cold War ended in the 1990's,the West and China had a significant adjustment of their African strategy. The Western democracy and values had been the priority target of the Western countries,economic aid became a tool to put forward the Western democracy. China adjusted its aid strategy and formed a new policy by expanding economic and trade cooperation with Africa. On the general,the result of Western ideology-first assistance is not very ideal because the urgent need of the African people at the momonet are not fully concerned. Comparatively,China's African policy,rational and pragmatic,has brought benefits to togh and gaining an impetus for future development. Currently,the Western countries has entered a new period of adjustment on the ideology-first policy towards Africa,and China shall also improve its African policy accordingly.
作者 胡美 刘鸿武
出处 《世界经济与政治》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第10期17-24,共8页 World Economics and Politics
基金 国家社科基金项目<中非关系全面提升背景下中国如何在非洲与西方国家化解利益冲突 实现合作多赢问题研究>(项目编号:07XGJ006)的阶段性成果
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