
国际政治经济学的演进逻辑 被引量:14

The Evolutionary Logic of IO School in International Political Economy
摘要 "《国际组织》学派"是国际政治经济学中学术影响力最大的知识共同体之一。20世纪70~80年代,"《国际组织》学派"的诞生及其最初的范式之争使其在传统相互分离的国际政治与国际经济之间架起了学科沟通的桥梁,极大地丰富了国际关系学的研究议程。自20世纪80年代中后期至今,"《国际组织》学派"的范式之争逐渐走向低潮,转而进入了议题导向的新阶段。议题导向的国际政治经济学研究开始不断打破国际与国内的学科界限,逐渐与比较政治经济学走向融合,形成了所谓的"全球政治经济学",进而在国际政治经济与国内政治经济之间架起了一座新的桥梁。"《国际组织》学派"从国际政治经济学发展到全球政治经济学,这既凸显了全球化作为一股物质力量推动学术发展的事实,也是学科分化与整合交织发展的学术自身逻辑使然。 The IO School is one of the most influential intellectual communities in International Political Economy. During 1970s and 1980s,the birth of the IO School and the initial paradigmatic debates inside the school built a bridge between international politics and international economy,and enriched the research program of IR studies. Since the mid 1980s,the paradigmatic debates began ebb,and then shifted into issue-oriented studies,which marked a new phrase of IPE. Issue-oriented IPE studies gradually broke down the disciplinary lines between International and Comparative politics,and evolved into so-called Global Political Economy through integrating Comparative Political Economy,which bridged the gap between international political economy and domestic political economy. From International Political Economy to Global Political Economy,the evolutionary logic of IO School embodies the fact that globalization as a kind of material force drove forward academic developments as well as the logic of disciplinary integration and specialization.
作者 李巍
出处 《世界经济与政治》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第10期68-80,共13页 World Economics and Politics
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  • 1Benjamin Cohen, International Political Economy: An Intellectual History, N. J. : Princeton University Press, 2008, pp. 16 -650.
  • 2Susan Strange, "International Economics and International Relations: A Case of Mutual Neglect," International Affairs, Vol. 46, No. 2, 1970, pp. 304-315.
  • 3David Lake, " International Political Economy: An Emerging Interdiscipline," in B. Weingast and D. Wittman, eds. , The Oxford Handbook of Political Economy, New York: Oxford University Press, 2006, p. 760 o.
  • 4Edward H. Cart, The Twenty Years' Crisis, 1919 - 1939: An Introduction to the Study of lnternational Relations , New York: Harper & Row, 1939.
  • 5Hans J. Morgenthau, Politics Among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace,New York: Knopf, 1948.
  • 6Richard Cooper, The Economics of Interdependence: Economic Policy in the Atlantic Community, New York : McGraw - Hill, 1968.
  • 7Robert O. Keohane & Joseph Nye, eds. , Transnational Relations and World Politics, Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 1972.
  • 8Fred C. Bergsten and Lawrence B. Krause, World Politics and International Economics, Washington, D. C. : Brookings Institution, 1975.
  • 9Peter J. Katzenstein, Robert O. Keohane, and Stephen D. Krasner, " International Organization and the Study of World Politics" in Peter J. Katzenstein, Robert O. Keohane, and Stephen D. Krasner, eds. , Exploration and Contestation in the Study of World Politics, Camhridge, MIT Press, 1999. p.7.
  • 10Joan E. Spew, The Politics of International Economic Relations , New York: St. Martin' s, 1977.










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