

Research on the Way of Life and Health of the Older People in Ruian
摘要 目的了解瑞安市老年干部人群的生活方式以及与健康密切相关的行为习惯,旨在为老年干部人群乃至整个老年人群提供更科学合理的健康教育方法和健康促进策略。方法在老年干部健康教育活动会上对瑞安市400名60岁以上离退休干部进行问卷调查,数据录入计算机后用Stata10.0统计软件进行数据分析。结果在瑞安市离退休老干部中,每天吃早餐率为99.24%,吸烟率为17.67%,失眠率为9.09%,参加锻练率为100%,定期体检率为97.98%,饮酒率为60.10%。结论瑞安市离退休干部的早餐、吸烟、睡眠、参加锻练及定期体检等健康相关行为均处于良好水平,均优于其他地区老年人和全国居民平均水平,但饮酒行为不容乐观,应引起高度重视。 OBJECTIVE To Ruian cadre of older people's way of life and health are closely related to behavior, is aimed at the elderly cadres in the elderly population as a whole to provide more scientific and reasonable methods of health education and health promotion strategies. METHOD In the elderly cadres of health education activities at Ruian 400 retired officers over the age of 60 conducted a questionnaire survey, data entry computer using Stata 10.0 statistical software used for data analysis. RESULTS Of the survey retired in Ruian City, breakfast daily rate of 99.24 percent, 17.67 percent smoking rate, insomnia rate was 9.09 percent, to participate in exercise rate was 100%, regular medical check-ups for the 97.98 percent rate of drinking rate of 60.10% alcohol. CONCLUSION Retired cadres Ruian breakfast, smoking, sleep, take part in exercise, regular medical check-ups and other health-related behavior are in good level, are better than other regions of the elderly residents and the national average, but can not be optimistic about drinking behavior, should pay close attention to.
作者 陈江敏
出处 《中国初级卫生保健》 2009年第10期98-99,共2页 Chinese Primary Health Care
关键词 离退休干部 健康生活方式 调查 retired cadres healthy lifestyle survey
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