
关于《公孙龙子》研究的若干问题 被引量:4

Several Issues on the Study of Kung-sun Lung Tzu
摘要 To be an important component part of The Theory of Ming in ancient China,Kung-sun Lung’s theory of Ming is a theory of Linguistic Sign instead of The Theory of Conception in traditional logic.This theory presents a particular connection both with inconsistency and resemble with Mohist School.The article On Zhiwu is aimed at the Theory of ZhiWu of Mohism and takes on extraordinary different style with the article On White Horse,On JianBai,On TongBian.It’s not the form of debate with question and answer mode.Kung-sun Lung Tzu is a monograph on the theory of Ming to study the universal problems of Ming and it takes a particular style that using objects to expound the truth.Actually,the genuine purpose of Kung-sun Lung Tzu is standardizing the relationship of Ming and Shi,and it presents the correct description of the characteristic of Chinese language character. To be an important component part of The Theory of Ming in ancient China,Kung-sun Lung's theory of Ming is a theory of Linguistic Sign instead of The Theory of Conception in traditional logic.This theory presents a particular connection both with inconsistency and resemble with Mohist School.The article On Zhiwu is aimed at the Theory of ZhiWu of Mohism and takes on extraordinary different style with the article On White Horse,On JianBai,On TongBian.It's not the form of debate with question and answer mode.Kung-sun Lung Tzu is a monograph on the theory of Ming to study the universal problems of Ming and it takes a particular style that using objects to expound the truth.Actually,the genuine purpose of Kung-sun Lung Tzu is standardizing the relationship of Ming and Shi,and it presents the correct description of the characteristic of Chinese language character.
作者 曾祥云
出处 《哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第10期37-43,共7页 Philosophical Research
  • 相关文献


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