"No passion, not the existence of any cause." This is a manufacturing giant J.W Emerson said in a famous 100 years ago. Described like this "passion" motto there are many, enough to see that passion in business management importance. The world's top CEO's praise of passion never stopped, they are the fans of passion management. While the passion is an outstanding performance in leadership, but unfortunately, in business management, passion often disappear. The so-called working passion was only the well-paid to stimulate the product, when the Dow Jones Industrial Average once again come to 10000 points, the Wall Street elite excited that they opened a number of bottles of champagne to celebrate with each other. This means they can also receive high salaries and bonuses. In the financial crisis lows, Wall Street was filled with gloom and despair. How to motivate employees to rely on the inherent passion for something? Rather than relying on external, material nature of the stimulus, which became the leader of a business problem.
Contemporary Manager