

Characteristics of the Study on the Fluctuations in One Day of China's Stock Market
摘要 采用沪深300指数的日内数据,运用方差分析并进行方差检验的方法,对各个时点间隔24小时的收益率波动情况进行分析,发现在交易期间收益率方差呈现"W"型变化,且交易时段的收益波动要大于非交易时段的收益波动。 Using variance and variance test, this paper during the 24-hour interval by Shanghai and Shenzhen analyzes the volatility rate for each time point 300 index intraday trading data and finds that the variance of return rate is at a "W"-type changes during trading. during the period of trading is much larger than the volatility during the It also finds that the volatility period of non-trading.
出处 《浙江万里学院学报》 2009年第5期17-21,共5页 Journal of Zhejiang Wanli University
基金 国家自然科学基金(编号:70873113)
关键词 日内波动 收益率 开盘价 收盘价 volatility in one day income rate opening price closing price
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