The seed plants in Yixing Forest Nature Reserve are analyzed statistically with flora and they are divided into 4 types and 15 distribution patterns. The flora in this area belongs to rather typical flora of eastern China. And in these flora genus components of temperate zone are dominant (61%), eastern components are obvious (25%), central and western components are only a few, and special components are almost none. Evergreen broad leaved forest in middle subtropical zone, which dominated by constructive species like Cyclobalanopsis glauca (Thunb.) Oerst. and Lithocarpa glaber (Thunb.) Nakai belongs to natural vegetation in this area according to calculation analysis of present plants and combining with cultivated plants and data of paleovegetation in this area. Now the vegetation recovers obviously and more plant stands are close to natural vegetation since the nature reserve was established in 1981.
Journal of Plant Resources and Environment