航天和航空遥感图像中,普遍存在着条带噪声(stripe noise),任何使用多个探测元进行获取图像的遥感器图像数据中均存在条带噪声。本文针对CBERS-02星图像中的两类条带噪声:探测元间条带噪声和横向随机条带噪声,提出了一种直方图匹配和线性空间滤波相结合的去条带噪声方法。其中直方图匹配用于去除探测元间的条带噪声,线性空间滤波用于消除横向随机条带噪声。实验结果表明,该方法能有效去除CBERS-02星影像中的条带噪声,并且能很好地保证图像质量。最后,从定性和定量两个方面进一步说明了该方法的有效性。
Stripe noise is a common phenomenon in remote sensing data. The CBERS-02 data are contaminated by stripe noises. There are two types of stripe noises in CBERS-02 data: detector-to-detector stripes and noisy stripes. Without correction, stripe noises will cause processing errors to the other CBERS-02 products. In this paper, a noise-reduction algorithm is developed to reduce the stripe noise effects in CBERS-02 data by combining a histogram matching algorithm with an iterated linear space filter. Histogram matching corrects for detector-to-detector stripes. The iterated linear space filter corrects for random noisy stripes. The method was tested on heavily striped CBERS-02 images. Results of CBERS-02 data showed that the proposed algorithm can reduce stripes noises without degrading image quality. To evaluate performance of the proposed method, quantitative and qualitative analyses were carried out by visual inspection and quality indexes of destriped images.
Science of Surveying and Mapping