
潮汕地区农村中学生自行车伤害与相关因素的研究 被引量:6

Investigation on bicycle injuries of secondary school students and related factors in Chaoshan region
摘要 目的探讨潮汕农村地区中学生自行车伤害的流行病学特征及其相关因素之间的关系,为进一步进行干预研究提供基础资料。方法采用分层整群抽样方法和自填式问卷调查,对该地区6个学校3544名中学生进行自行车伤害发生情况、骑乘自行车时的危险行为、学生及其家庭基本情况等进行调查。结果潮汕地区农村中学自行车伤害发生率为11.0%,男生高于女生,15岁中学生高于其他年龄组中学生;不同年级、性别、是否住宿和不同学校的中学生自行车伤害发生率差异均有统计学意义。84.6%的中学生上学的主要交通工具是自行车;选择不同交通方式上下学的中学生因自行车导致的伤害发生率有差异。有乘骑自行车危险行为者易发生自行车伤害(P<0.01),其中单手离把撑伞和骑车带人的行为最多,分别为1600人(69.7%)和973人(42.4%)。结论潮汕农村中学生骑乘自行车上学普遍,自行车伤害发生率高,与性别、年龄和家庭经济有关;在骑乘自行车时存在较多危险行为,提示预防和降低儿童青少年交通伤害的发生应采取针对性的措施。 Objective To investigate the epidemiological characteristics of bicycle injuries among secondary school students in Chaoshan region, China. Methods Using stratified cluster sampling method, 3 339 students of grade 1, grade 2 and grade 4 in 6 middle schools of Fuyang township in Chaoshan re gion were included in the research. Information was collected by a self-administrated questionnaire on bicycle injuries that had ever happened to the students and on health related behaviors and completed by them with written informed consent. Data were analyzed by using SPSS 13.0 for windows. Results The incidence rate of bicycle injury in this area was 11.0 %. The rate of bicycle injuries significantly differed between different age groups. A significant difference was also detected between bicycle injuries and different grades, genders, residents in school or not and different schools. There was a significant difference between injury and different modes of traffic. Of all the risk behaviors when bicycling, the top two were with one hand carrying umbrella and taking another on with same bicycle, 1 600 students (69.7 % ) and 973 students (42.4 % ) respectively. Conclusions The rate of injury rate of secondary schools in Chaoshan region was relatively higher than other types of road traffic injuries (RTI). The injury rate was varying between gender, age and family economy. The lack of safety awareness and the risk behavior of students in this area lead to the problem as well. There is an urgent need to enhance injury education or legislation to prevent bicycle injury caused by RTI.
出处 《中华疾病控制杂志》 CAS 2009年第5期554-557,共4页 Chinese Journal of Disease Control & Prevention
基金 牛津大学李嘉诚基金会资助
关键词 中学生 事故 交通 自行车运动 Secondary school students Accidents, traffic Bicycling
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