Judging from the current implementation of the policy, approved by the social security system ( hereinafter referred to as "approved" ) is a collection of social security costs in the process of an important process, but also the social security collection agencies charge fees based on the important. However, the practice approved by the reflection, we found that the system has exposed more and more difficult to resolve its many problems and contradictions are difficult to overcome, that is, law enforcement and approved by the paradox. Approved the substance of a regulatory system, with the aim of restricting the insured to pay, however, the anti - regulation program has increased the difficulty of law enforcement and law enforcement risks to the charge of the inspection of law enforcement agencies work passive. Through analysis of the system approved in charge of the work of existing problems, a unified collection and management system, simplification of procedures for running costs, and innovative collection management processes and systems, such as suggestions.
Social Security Studies