
5~6岁儿童对“力与运动”的认知 被引量:1

On the"Force and Movement" Understanding of Children Aged 5~6 Years old
摘要 本研究采用问卷法,考察了72名5~6岁儿童对于"力和运动"的认识,并要求儿童以绘制运动轨迹的方式作答。结果发现,5~6岁儿童对"力的合成"的认识类型可分为4种,其中以"优势力型"居多;对"平抛运动"的认识可分为5种,其中以"竖直下落型"居多;对"匀速圆周运动"的认识可分为6种,其中以"封闭圆周型"居多。最后结论表明,5~6岁儿童对于"力与运动"的认识总体上还比较朴素,与科学概念之间存在一定差异。 The questionnaire method was used to study 72 children aged 5-6 years old for their"Force and Motion" understanding, which is answered by drawing the motion trajectories. The results showed that(l) there were four naive views about Force Addition, of which "objects moving in the direction of the more powerful force" was held by most children. (2)There were five naive views about Horizontal Projectile Motion, of which "objects falling upright" was held by most children. (3)There were six naive views about Uniform Circle Motion, of which "objects moving along the curve of the circle" was held by most of children. In general, the thoughts about "Force and Movement" of children aged five to six years old were still relatively naive compared with the scientific understanding.
出处 《学前教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第11期26-31,共6页 Studies in Early Childhood Education
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(07JCXLX004) 北京林业大学新进教师科研启动基金项目(BLX2007001)的资助
关键词 朴素物理学 “力与运动” 5-6岁儿童 逻辑推理能力 学前教育 naive physics, fore and Movement, children aged five to six years old
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