
幼儿同伴侵害问卷的编制 被引量:9

Development of Peer Victimization Questionnaire for Children in Nursery School
摘要 根据以往文献资料,结合开放式访谈所得资料,研究者编制了适用于幼儿阶段的同伴侵害问卷。通过个别施测对575名3~5岁儿童进行了测查,对调查数据进行探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析。探索性因素分析表明,幼儿同伴侵害包括身体侵害、言语关系侵害和财物侵害三个方面。验证性因素分析表明,三因素模型较好地拟合了观测数据,自编的幼儿同伴侵害问卷的信度、效度均达到了心理测量学的要求。 Based on past literature researches and data obtained by our opened interview, Peer Victimization Questionnaire for children in nursery school was developed. 575 children from age 3 to 5 were investigated by interview one by one. Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were used to analyze our data. The exploratory factor analysis revealed that peer victimization in nursery school contained three dimensions that were physical victimization, property victimization and verbal-relational victimization. The result of confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the three-factor-model was well fitted with observational data. Validity and reliability analyses showed that the psychometric properties of the questionnaire for children in nursery school are acceptable.
出处 《学前教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第11期43-47,共5页 Studies in Early Childhood Education
基金 教育部人文社科青年项目(08JCXLX007) 国家自然科学基金项目(30570612)的资助
关键词 同伴侵害 身体侵害 言语关系侵害 财物侵害 幼儿教育 学前教育 peer victimization, physical victimization, verbal-relational victimization, property victimization
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