
培养创新型、多层次、专业化的工程科技人才--CDIO工程教育改革的人才理念和培养模式 被引量:124

Cultivating Innovative,Multi-level and Professional Engineering Personnel
摘要 高等工程教育在培养工程科技人才,提高中国在工程科技领域的竞争力中发挥着重要的作用。在中国建设创新型国家和走新型工业化道路的背景下,培养大量具有创新能力、多层次和专业化的工程科技人才具有重大的战略意义。本文分析了专业人才的定义、特点和不足,总结出工程科技人才成长的多层次、专业化、社会性、长期性和流动性等培养规律,并以此为理论框架,结合美国麻省理工学院CDIO工程教育模式在知识、技能和实践方面的人才理念,提出了中国在工程科技人才的培养上需要关注的问题和相关建议。我们认为,工程科技人才的培养需要学校、政府和企业全面合作,通过丰富教育资源、优化教育环节、完善教育环境,切实提高高等工程教育的质量和水平,实现人才培养目标。 Higher engineering education plays a key role in cultivating and in enhancing competitiveness in engineering field. China now is on the way of constructing itself an innovative one and taking a new road to industrialization. Under this background, it is of strategic significance to cultivate a large number of innovative, multi-level and professional engineering personnel. This research analyzes the definition, characteristics and drawbacks of professional talents and summarizes the regularities in the process of cultivating engineering personnel, it argues that the process should be professional, multi-level, social, long-term and fluid. Based on this theoretical framework, and the talent concept of the CDIO model created by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in knowledge, techniques and practice, the paper points out the problems in the cultivation of engineering qualified scientists and technicians and correspondingly puts forward some useful suggestions. It also holds that the cultivation of qualified engineering talents needs all-around integrative efforts from universities, government and industry so as to enrich resources, optimize education process and improve the quality of China' s engineering and technology experts.
出处 《高等工程教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第5期29-35,共7页 Research in Higher Education of Engineering
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